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Notice of the Chinese Fisheries Society on holding the 2024 Academic Annual Meeting of the Marine Pasture Professional Committee


Notice of the Chinese Fisheries Society on holding the 2024 Academic Annual Meeting of the Marine Pasture Professional Committee

Relevant units and experts:

In order to further enhance the scientific and technological innovation capability of China's Marine ranching, discuss the frontier hot issues in the field of Marine ranching, exchange new technologies, new methods and new achievements, enhance the exchanges and cooperation between government, industry, university and research institutes, and help the high-quality development of modern Marine ranching industry, The 2024 Academic Annual meeting of Marine Pasture Professional Committee of the Chinese Fisheries Society will be held in Tengchong City, Yunnan Province in late August 2024. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Organization of the conference

(1) The organizer

Chinese Society of Fisheries

(2) Undertaking units

Chinese Fisheries Society Marine pasture professional committee

Dalian Ocean University

Liaoning ocean pasture engineering technology Research center

(3) co-organizers

South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences

Key Laboratory of Marine pasture, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Shandong Key Laboratory of Smart Marine Pasture

Guangzhou (Haizhu) Ocean Pasture Science and Technology Promotion Association (preparation)

Organizing Committee of Guangzhou International Fishery Expo

Ii. Theme of the meeting

Ecological priority, new quality drive, integrated development.

Iii. Contents of the meeting

(1) Scientific planning of Marine pastures

(b) artificial reefs (nests) and other habitat construction and environmental restoration technology

(3) Aquatic biological behavior and control technology

(4) Proliferation and release and effect evaluation

(5) Fishery resources detection and assessment technology

(6) Environmental monitoring technology and equipment

(7) Ecological regulation technology, selective fishing technology

(8) Research on standardization of Marine pastures

(9) Research on Marine ranching policies and regulations

(10) Research and practice of modern Marine ranching industry

Time and place of the meeting

Time: August 23-24, 2024, check-in on the afternoon of 22nd, meeting on 23-24th, leaving on 25th.

Address: Jade Crown Jianguo Hotel, Tengchong City, Yunnan Province (Tengyue Town Yanhu Intersection, Tengchong City).

V. Related matters

(1) Registration for the meeting. The conference will include invited expert presentations, thematic presentations and postgraduate forums. All participating papers and reports are required to submit an abstract of about 300 words, which includes four parts: "purpose, method, result and conclusion". Abstract: Word document, A4 layout, typesetting format: Title (No. 2 square Zheng small standard Song Simplified, center row), author (under the title, No. 5 Song Typeface, center row), unit (No. 5 Song typeface), postcode (under the author, No. 5 Times New Roman), abstract text (No. 5 Song typeface), the unit of measurement used in the article, all according to the national standard. Delegates are kindly requested to send the participation receipt (see Attachment 1) and paper abstract (see Attachment 2 for reference template) to the email address of the Secretariat of the Marine Ranching Committee before July 30, 2024.

(2) Registration fees. All participants are required to register and pay on-site through wechat code scanning. The standard is 1200 yuan per person (800 yuan for students).

(3) Accommodation arrangements. During the conference, accommodation will be arranged and accommodation expenses will be borne by oneself. Please make your own hotel reservations.

Recommended hotel: Tengchong Meer Jade Crown Jianguo Hotel, Queen room/twin room 268 yuan/night.

(4) The conference will organize the selection of outstanding postgraduate academic reports and issue certificates.

(5) Enterprises interested in participating in the report exhibition please contact Teacher Wang before July 30:13940811498.

6. Contact information

(1) Registration and summary of the meeting

And Xuan Guorong 13924017629, Email: gmflfa@163,com

Yuan Huarong 15811889478, Email:

Huang Songyao 19802015597, Email:

Tian Tao 15940973340, Email:

(2) Organization of conference affairs

Marine Pasture Committee of Chinese Fisheries Society: Tian Tao, 15940973340;

(3) Issue of conference invoice

Secretariat of Chinese Society of Fisheries: Zhang Wei, 010-59195494, 15269173607.

(4) Hotel reservation

Tengchong Meer Jade Crown Jianguo Hotel: Manager Xu, 18183650821.